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Community recognizes the importance of having a global outreach. Through our missions program we desire to facilitate the command of Mark 16:15 to go "into all the world and preach the gospel." Here are some of the ways we accomplish that goal.


Mission Trips

Teen and adult mission trips give opportunities for church members to experience the mission field first-hand. Visits to the mission field are designed to be life-changing for the church member and encouraging and helpful for the missionary.


In addition to special offerings and designated giving by church members, our church regularly supports over 70 missionaries and agencies that have as their primary objective the spread of the gospel around the world.

Missions Conference

A highlight of our church calendar is our missions conference. The preaching and presentations by our missionary guests challenge the congregation with the spiritual needs of the world. These special days are also a good reminder of the importance of prayer and financial support, both of which are necessary for the effective spread of the gospel outside our local area.

Missions: Inner_about
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